When people f*cking sit in their chairs staring at the TV taking in all of the bullsh*t spewed out by Jon f*cking Stewart (BECAUSE HE KNOWS WHAT'S UP RIGHT?) and other ****ENTERTAINERS*** (I don't know how I can make that any bigger so you robots will get the point) and being satisfied that they now know what's going on in the world (BECAUSE HE TAKES REAL QUOTES BY REAL PEOPLE IN THE REAL CONTEXT THAT THEY WERE MEANT TO BE SAID IN THAT WAY BECAUSE....YEAH). Now, this note was not meant to be an affront to Mr.Stewart because he makes his money by being an ignorant asshole and this is America and that's cool. This note is meant to be a wake up call to the general public who honestly get their news from Hollywood instead of going to oh I don't know, Yahoo.com (for what little credibility they have).
Side Note: Do NOT leave a comment on this note saying anything about Rush Limbaugh. I know how all of you feel about him, and quite frankly I'm not in agreement with even half the things he says, but (and I can sure as hell predict 90% of you who read this have NEVER listened to a full 3 hours of his show and will STILL think you can form an opinion about him because Jon Stewart said he's an asshole. (JUST LOOK AT THE QUOTES HE PULLED!) even Limbaugh has started writing off the Republicans because let's face it, THEY'RE INSANE! They are SO out of touch with what exactly being a republican is. I'm sure NONE of them could define New Federalism for me...Imagine that!
Anyway, back on track: Where you get your news...I don't care if it's CNN, MSNBC, FOX, ABC, CBS, alright I'll stop lying, I do, All of those news organizations have 0 credibility in my eyes and will only confuse you more. A good place to start is (omg is he really going to say this?) The Internet. (Yep, he did). Drudgereport.com is a FANTASTIC website that is pretty much an online newspaper run by a guy who takes news stories from EVERYWHERE and posts links to them. It's layed out like a newspaper so it's VERY easy to navigate through. He's even nice enough to make REALLY IMPORTANT story headlines red so you can see them easier. I will admit, that is the FIRST place I go to confirm ANYTHING put out by the main stream media.
I think the reason I'm still the only one who doesn't think Barack Obama is Jesus
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P36x8rT b3jI
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tp_2Cw4 RH1c
http://campaignspot.nationalreview.com /post/?q=MWM5M2Q2M2ZhYjYyMzU3NDAyMTI4O TQ0MzZlMjhiZTc=
(And that's just off the top of my head) is because I have been interested in politics for a long time. Probably a few years longer than most of my peers, like REALLY into politics, I started reading the newspaper with my dad and discussing issues with my parents when I was 12, I started considering myself a liberal democrat in my early teens because those views made me feel good about myself and I honestly didn't know much more than that. But then I started seeing things that weren't quite right...Like Bill Clinton and his fiasco in '93. Can any of you remember that? Of course not, but I'll give you a hint (It WASN'T the Monica Lewinsky thing) And I got to thinking wow, this...isn't right.
But If you want to talk about my political history please message me/IM me, whatever and I will be more than happy to talk. Anyway...Moving on! ( I digress a lot)
The reason I don't think Barack Obama is the greatest thing since Jesus is because after wading through all the Hype and bullsh*t about this being THE MOST HISTORIC MOMENT IN UNITED STATES HISTORY BECAUSE ALL US STUPID RACISTS ARE NOW ONLY A LITTLE BIT LESS RACIST AND HE MAKES HONKEYS LIKE ME FEEL GOOD! I find that he's a pure, 100%, bonafide Socialist. and if we have learned ANYTHING from History (Another subject in school besides economics I worshiped) is that Socialism is a bad thing. Say it with me..."Socialism...is...a...bad...thing ." (Funny how I just mimicked 90% of college professors besides changing Capitalism to Socialism).
It's just so funny to me that most of you can walk up to me and tell me I don't know what I'm talking about, or that I'm biased or that I'm "CLOSED-MINDED" (that is one thing I'll laugh right in your stupid face about if you try to pull that crap on me) or that I am not as informed as YOU are because "I'm just not seeing the big picture", trust me son...I see the big picture.
Thing is...I've BEEN down the rabbit hole. I've SEEN liberals AND conservatives when they're not in front of the camera, and supposing I have a brain I have deduced that just because it feels right...Doesn't mean it is. It's called tough love, it's called seeing the bigger picture.
So please...My friends, go outside Hollywood for your news. Go outside the main stream media and become little reporters yourself. Research, ask questions, research some more, doubt your own thoughts and opinions until you can find evidence to support them. I'm not telling you to do ANYTHING I don't do everyday when I go for the news, because I'm not going to sit here and say Right wingers don't twist and bend the truth too, I know they do. They're human, that's why I research, that's why I tell you to do the same thing I do and who knows...Maybe one day you'll become a right wing fascist bigot like me.
Or you're just typing a mean comment because you read the first few sentences and saw I was dumping on your favorite news source and figured that's all you NEEDED to read to know what this note was about...Sucks how I figured that out so fast eh?